Kickstarter: Its an easy 600k

Recently, Edward Boches sent out a tweet that boosted my confidence in my future endeavors. He mentioned the New York Time's article, "An iPod Watch Project Explodes Online". To sum it up, Scott Wilson and his company, MINIMAL, are funding their peripheral to turn iPod Nanos into multi-touch watches through Kickstarter.

This is especially relevant to me because my girlfriend has enlisted my help to get her own Kickstarter project off the ground. After reading the article from the NYT and comments on Wilson's Kickstarter page, I noticed several contributing factors that helped give this project such a boost.
  1. The video and brief walks you through the project very fluidly — its not just speaking to techies.
  2. He has a background in working on products that people like — Nike Presto Watch and Xbox Kinect.
  3. Everyone who donates over $25 gets a watch — Not just a 4x6 print.
  4. Bonus: Its using an Apple product.
  5. Bonus: Going viral always helps.

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